Senin, 27 April 2009

Term 3 Music Reflection(February)

February,3 2009

Today, I practiced singing the fly me to the moon and autumn leaves.Mr Herry told us to choose
1 song from that 2.Because the assesment is singing.I choose fly me to the moon because it is lot easier that autumn leaves.

February,5 2009

Today i still practiced to sing fly me to the moon.Practices makes perfect

February,10 2009

I've been given the chart for the report.(structure).In the chart,we must fill the blank with
information about jazz music.

February,12 2009

I ask question about jazz music.About what i don't know and what i don't understand.
At home,I must research to find the answer.

February,17 2009

Today,i finished answering my question.I must submit the question and answer today.

February,19 2009

I still making the report about jazz music.I must be able to submit that in time.
Today,Mr Herry teach us about the theory.Next meeting will be a written assesment.

February,24 2009

Today,I submit my jazz report and do some written test.The written test is not easy.It's
very difficult.

Februar,26 2009

I was absent today.But,my friends told me that today my classmates are watching jazz video in the class.

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